Company Profile

Company Profile

Company Name Hokkaido Milk Company
Head Office

3-6-6, Showa, Hakodate City, Hokkaido, 041-0812, Japan

Required time the Hokkaido Milk Company head office

  • 10 minutes by taxi from JR Hakodate Station
  • 20 minutes by car from ferry terminal
  • 30 minutes by taxi from Hakodate Airport
  • 15 minutes by bus from JR Hakodate Station
Sales office
  • Sales DivisionShinbashi Yamane Building 9F, 2-5-14 Higashi Shimbashi Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0021,Japan
  • Tokyo Sales Dept.Shinbashi Yamane Building 9F, 2-5-14 Higashi Shimbashi Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0021,Japan

The time required to the Hokkaido Milk Company Sales Headquarters & Tokyo Sales Division

  • 10 minutes on foot from JR Shimbashi Station
  • Hokkaido Sales Office 23-2-1 kita-nijonishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, 064-0822,Japan
  • Aomori Sales Office C/O Tohoku Shoun Co.,Ltd.,115-1Yamada,Shinjo,Aomori- City,038-0042,Japan
  • Sendai Sales Office Kanto Transportation Co., Ltd. Sendai low temperature Center 2F,
    4-1-12 Nigatake, Miyagino-ku,Sendai-city, 983-0036,Japan
  • Niigata Sales Office C/O Niigata shokuhin-unyu NCL Center Co., Ltd.
    830-9Nishiyama, Konan-ku,Niigata City, 910-0113,Japan
  • Nagoya Sales Office Roll Inc. Higashi 3FB, 1-1204 Kamiyashiro,Meito-ku,Nagoya City, 465-0025,Japan
  • Osaka Branch Sakurabashi Yachiyo Building, 2-5-6,Umeda, Kita-ku, Osaka City , 530-0001 ,Japan
Managing Director Hidehisa Tajima
  1. 1949 Tajima Sangyo Co., Ltd.
  2. 1953 Changed to Hokkaido Milk Company
Capital ¥ 75 million
Fiscal year End March
Business contents
  1. 1.Manufacturing and sales of fresh milk and dairy products (butter, milk powder, sweetened condensed milk, yogurt, dessert, cheese)
  2. 2.All business incidental to the above
Employee 338 people (as of end of March, 2022)


1931 Started a seafood wholesaler in Hakodate City (Distributor of Nichiro Fishery, Nippon Suisan )
1949 April, founded Tajima Sangyo Co., Ltd. (president: Kyuzo Tajima) manufacturing of fresh milk, ice cream. Newly established Hakodate Factory in Horai-cho, Hakodate city, collecting milk daily quantity 5.6 t.
1955 October, milk powder plant is newly established
1962 July, newly established a dairy products manufacturing factory complex in Showa-cho, Hakodate City, started operation, collecting milk daily quantity 28.1 t.
1971 September, moved headquarters to Showa, Hakodate, collecting milk quantity 56.3 t.
1979 May, expansion of fresh milk plant (capacity 10 tons per hour, 2 units)
1981 May, newly established condensed milk plant (continuous manufacturing system)
1983 December, butter plant upgraded
1985 March, milk powder plant upgraded
1990 June, milk receival area upgraded
1992 April, butter cream plant upgraded
1994 September, fresh milk and yogurt plant upgraded
1996 September, expansion of dessert plant
2003 June, Hokkaido Milk Company Co., Ltd. celebrates its 50th anniversary
2007 September, newly established cream cheese plant
2009 January, condensed milk plant upgraded
2016 August, capital and business alliance with Nipponham  (NH Foods Ltd.)
2016 December, manufacturing entity and sales entity integrated into one entity
2021 March newly established retail cream cheese plant
2023 July, fresh milk plant upgraded
2023 August, changed English company name from Hokkaido Dairy Product Co., Ltd to Hokkaido Milk Company